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Friday, February 27, 2009

_1:39 PM_

AhNeL can Cook!

Chef Nel made her way to the market today to buy all the necessary ingredients for lunch.
1st stop to the vegetable stall and she bought a packet of 菠菜.
2nd stop to the 梁豆腐 stall to buy some 梁豆腐.
3rd stop to the egg stall to buy salted egg, 皮蛋 and egg.
4th stop to NTUC Fairprice to buy chicken, mushroom, tofu, vegetables and sauces.

Tofu, 皮蛋, mushroom and salted egg yoke


Vegetables + Mushroom


Lemon Chicken

Actually there's cod fish too, but i'm too hungry to take a pic of it. =)
So that's my lunch for today!
Yummy and full. =)
Monday, February 23, 2009

_10:16 PM_

Curious case of benjamin button

Went to watch Curious Case of Benjamin Button at AMK hub just now.
The show last for about 3hours and i fell asleep 1.5hrs after the show started.
Dozed of for about 15 mins then continued to finished watching the show.
This was my first time dozing off while watching a movie.
Overall this show is still alright not that bad just that it's a little draggy.

Went to Holland Village this afternoon to meet one of the"client".
It's been so long since i've been to Holland. Ever Since my Grandma shifted to bukit batok i never visit Holland Village again. LOLs. Had Crystal Jade 's xiao long bao as i'm super hungry.

Waiting for all movies to be out of No Free List so that i could watch. =)
More movies coming out soon. Cant wait. I need a long holiday!!
Saturday, February 21, 2009

_4:26 PM_

Home Made- Omelette rice with chicken and seaweed.

Home made- Japanese Cold Noodle

_11:00 AM_

Mind were running wild and i do not wish to answer any single call or do any tenant matching.
Felt so tired and i just feel like doing some hands on work.
Thus i took out that pathetic lonely clay which i bought months ago.
Half an hour later, the pathetic lonely clay turned into a present and a rabbit; which is shown in the above picture.

I still preferred doing hands on work instead on doing all the callings just like a telemarketer.
Calling, Answering and munching is worst than cooking, eating and cleaning.
Seeing phones ringing is really irritating.
Listening to her nagging, is just the beginning.
Laughing at myself, it's never ending.

Monday, February 9, 2009

_12:42 PM_

Rushing for Report now. Hopefully everything turns out well.
Sunday, February 8, 2009

_11:20 PM_

Seriously no time for me to even drink a drop of water.
i'm soon gonna thirst to death. LOLS

What are my Goals for year 2009?
What do i want to achieve in Year 2009?

There are simply too many things on hand i gotta do, but someone out there simply don't understand and is not understanding. Guess my temper nowadays are really bad. But I've already tried controlling it. Somethings just make my blood boils. I will get high blood pressure sooner or later if this continues.

Different working styles, different working habits is really very hard to work together. I'm seriously going crazy! Calls and Calls and with a Irrational mother who knows how to Gan Jiong only. Gosh this is really making the both of us going crazy!!

I do not know how long can i last. I just ended my attachment and she keeps bugging me to start work. I haven even rest from the attachment and worst still my REPORT isn't done yet. The report is a big headache to me.

Gtg to research on the industry...

_3:05 PM_

Haven been getting enough sleep this few days
Yesterday reached home at about 12am plus. Went to catch Love Matters at PS.
I'm now do tried and sleepy but still i have to rush for my report.
Meanwhile i still have tons of calls to answer. Sadded!
Saturday, February 7, 2009

_12:07 AM_

Offically Last Day of Work!

So Juzailah and Reiko each gave me present too just before i left.
So nice of them.

Gifts from Juzailah (A Cow, A golden Pig piggy bag, a pot and a coaster) She gave all this for reasons. haha

And Reiko, a nice and funny Japanese lady gave me this DVD which i dun really know what show is this. haha and she even attached her name card with a neoprint of she with her bf. lol

The rest of the photos will be posted up other days.

Had the CNY Dinner earlier on and i came home with a stomach ache.
Guess i had too much? My appetite has become smaller so i dont really eat much for dinner.

oh well, think i wun be eating lots tmr.
Friday, February 6, 2009

_4:06 PM_

offically 2 hrs

Officially 2 more hours and i will be leaving this place.

A big thank you to all the people who have been treating me like a part of the company and thanks Hidayah for the cake and Kathy, thanks for your cute gift. Diane thanks for ur cute little mao mao too..

Will be seeing them again tomorrow at May's house for CNY lunch.

Tomorrow onwards, i have to start chionging for my report.
Deadline: 13th Feb 2009, 5pm!

Gosh guess I've have not been following my diet plan for the past 2 days. Yesterday had Mad Jack for lunch and today had KFC. Gosh, felt so sinful. My intestine had shrunk and now expanding again. Felt so bloated, guess i will be skipping dinner once agian.

Skipping dinner? oh no, dont think i will be able to do so. There's a CNY Dinner going on near my place. Mama bot the tickets and we have to go. oh no.. maybe i will be catching a late night movie later on. =)

_11:36 AM_

5.5 Hrs more to go...

5.5 hrs more to go. How am i feeling right now? Excitement? hahah, maybe.

Suppose to have a CNY dinner tonight, but due to the lack of runner, i 've to skip the dinner and go for viewing @ toapayoh once again. Hopefully those people who view today are able to make an offer. I do not wish to make so many trips down just for a unit.
Thursday, February 5, 2009

_8:27 PM_

Energy fully used up for today. I'm very tired now. Left work at nearly 6.50pm today, due to the consecutively work given by everyone. Was wondering if they were doing this on purpose knowing the fact that tomorrow will be my last day.

What i want to do now is to lie flat on my bed and sleep till the next day.
Hopefully this weekend will be a meaningful one as i have tons of things to do.

The next thing on my mind will be tuition. Should i really continue? I get to teach there because my sister's friend is one of the partner there. But now, she decided to withdraw partnership, she ask me to decide if i want to continue teaching.

First consideration: Location
Second consideration: Timing
Third consideration: Pay

So i seriously do not know what to do now. How i wish i'm able to teach from home. How nice would it be.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

_10:29 AM_

last words..

2 more days and i will be officially leaving the company.
After me, Audrey will also be leaving on the 17th Feb 2009. Guess the turnover rate for this company is really high.

will i ever say i miss the company?
will i ever say i miss the people there?
will i every say i miss the food there?
will i ever say i miss the songs played there?

*Silence ..... *

I guess next week onwards i will not be coming to Peace Centre, Sunshine Plaza, Paradiz Centre, Fu Lu Shou and Waterloo that often as compare to the past six months. I'm deciding or not to get something from sunshine plaza. The thing that I've been considering for nearly a month. I shall make a trip down later during lunch time then.

Yesterday tuition was alright. I was expecting 3 students as told 2 weeks ago. However, there's only 1 who came. But i guess i still do prefer teaching 1 - 1 as it is easier and i can focus more on her weaker topics. I don't have the habit of using the whiteboard, so i guess i need Home tuition instead of teaching at the tuition centre.

oh yes, got my pay for last week trial lesson. $50 bucks!! =) The student is weak in POA, she is also quite slow in drawing all the accounts so 1.5hrs doesn't seems sufficient for her. I do not have enough time to do the things i prepared for her to do.

So starting from next Tues, 6.30 - 8.00pm i will be teaching 2 primary 1 students Chinese. So i got to read up on my han yu ping ying as the syllabus for primary 1 has changed.

I'm freezing now..
Signing off...
Tuesday, February 3, 2009

_10:45 AM_


Have been thinking about the things i want to do after graduation.
Should i continue studying?
Should i take up property course to be a property agent?
Should i work towards my dream of setting up my own business?

The date now is 3rd Feb 2009, three more days and it will be my end of attachment.
13th Feb 2009 will be the submission of Final Report for attachment.
After which i would have to think of what i want .

Currently i will be teaching Secondary 4 POA and 1 Primary one student chinese every tues, 6.30pm to 9.30pm. The rest of the days i can continue to work as a Part-time Property Assistant but i know that isn't the thing i really want to do though i know that i will be able to earn tons of money if i'm "hardworking' enough.

The requirements for Property agent is actually very easy, you just need to be persuasive enough to persuade both parties to take up the offer. However, one disadvantage will be you will have to be on standby 24/7. Anytime , anywhere someone will be giving you a call and you won't have enough time to rest or shop.

Was thinking of taking up that job and then stop when i have save enough money and when the economy is at a better situation years later.

Till now i still do not have the time to learn knitting. I have no time to cook nor bake too. I got no time to pack my room and my untidy table. I got so many HK Dramas and Taiwan Ou Xiang Ju that i want to watch. I've have not finished watching Love or bread, i'm still at Ep 3. I want to watch that HK Drama " Tie Zui Ying Ya"and i want to have a movie marathon. Waiting for Love Matter and Bride Wars to be out of No free List so that i can watch it with my movie passes. 26 more movie passes to go.. Hopefully there are more movies coming up. =)

Think it's been so long since i've really blog. I need a shopping spree soon.